2021 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference
Microbiology is Evolving: Rising to the Challenge
Online | 2021 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference is going full virtual
This Conference continues the ongoing tradition of addressing the opportunities and challenges, most relevant, to the future of microbiology in today’s global market. Join new and seasoned professionals from all facets of the field, including global industry, academia, and regulatory authorities, to share insights on how to best prepare for the future through the sharing of best practices, development of standards, and integration of innovative technologies.

Welcome to the 2021 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference!
This Conference continues the ongoing tradition of addressing the opportunities and challenges, most relevant, to the future of microbiology in today’s global market. Join new and seasoned professionals from all facets of the field, including global industry, academia, and regulatory authorities, to share insights on how to best prepare for the future through the sharing of best practices, development of standards, and integration of innovative technologies.
Take a look at the many opportunities that will shape the future of the pharmaceutical industry, such as how to best use non-compendial methods for microbial testing of new products, how to overcome challenges with aseptic processing, and what might be in store for the effective use of risk assessment and mitigation in product manufacturing, environmental monitoring, and microbial control. Additionally, the science of biotech microbiology and its impact on the industry in a dynamic fast paced global manufacturing environment will be addressed throughout the Conference.